Minor Press 小出版

Outdoor Japan is a bimonthly, bilingual publication that features the best of what to do outdoors in Japan. The publisher started in 2000 with an online presence and launched the magazine in 2005. In its early days, it was a little rough around the edges but in a few short years has become a gorgeous publication filled with professional photos, articles, essential information and more. The magazine is also environmentally friendly, using sustainable resources for its printing. Koe Magazine actually keeps copies on its shelf, as an example of excellence in the publishing industry. The publishers describe their venture as “a labor of love,” and recently moved their office from Tokyo to the beachside town of Chigasaki to take better advantage of the outdoors.

Most of their readership is Japanese, followed by expats in Japan and inbound travelers. Outdoor Japan publishes several other useful guides, including an annual Winter Sports Guide, a Surfing Guide and a Resort Real Estate Guide. The latter is supported by a website. They also maintain the Golf in Japan website with information in English.

Get off the couch (unless you are reading their magazine) and get outdoors! For more info: www.outdoorjapan.com


読者層としては日本人が一番多いが、日本に住んでいる外国人や海外からの旅行者にも人気だ。同社は他にも「ウィンタースポーツ・ガイド」「サーフィン・ガイド」「リゾート地の不動産ガイド」など、役に立つ様々な情報をネットで配信している。「GOLF IN JAPAN」という英語のサイトもあってゴルフを楽しむ人の要望にも応えている。

部屋にじっとしていないで(アウトドア・ジャパンを読んでる時は別として)、もっとアウトドアライフを楽しもう! サイト:www.outdoorjapan.com

Borderless Reading ボーダレス読物

If you haven’t read Dogs and Demons yet, it’s about time you do. If you already have, read it again to see what, if anything, has changed.

Alex Kerr’s book, now a classic of expat writing in Japan, details the methodological destruction of Japan’s once-rich natural surroundings. Through lucrative public works projects (paid for by taxpayer money), building companies in collusion with politicians have turned hillsides into concrete and shorelines into vast stretches of tetrapods. What kind of a society would condone this?

The Japanese may be tired of hearing expats complain about their country (some expats are, too!), but Kodansha’s translation sparked comment and reflection among its readers. Kerr doesn’t complain; he levels a serious critique of the destruction of beauty.

As negative as the book’s outlook may seem, there are signs of change. In more recent years, protestors have been successful in rolling back wasteful projects and forcing transparency. Let’s hope Kerr will have reason to write a sequel. Albeit, a happier one.

“Dog and Demons” (邦題:「犬と鬼」)という本をまだ読んだことが無いなら絶対読んでみることを勧める。読んだことがある人ももう一度読んでみたら新しい発見があるだろう。


日本に住む外国人から日本についての不満を聞くのはもうウンザリだという人もいるけど、講談社から出ているこの訳書は読者の大きな反響を呼んでいる。この本の著者は不満を言っているのではない。彼は日本を愛するがゆえにその美しい自然が破壊されてゆくことについて、辛辣な批判を日本人に突きつけているのだ。 変化の兆しもある。近年では環境保護団体などの働きにより、無駄な公共工事が中止になったり、公共事業の透明性が高まってきたりしている。日本が良くなって本書の著者が喜びの続編を書くことになることを祈ろう

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