After a good live show, the vibe persists. The free lifestyle magazine LJ extends that same kind of feeling. Life for Journey. So goes its banner phrase, and inside you’ll find tips for leading a rich, individual life colored by music and travel.

The most recent edition of LJ recounts last year’s Takeru festival. Surrounded by bonfires in the long autumn night, revelers enjoyed the pleasures of music, nature, workshops and stall vendors. When you plunge into nature and spend some time there, you recall the instincts and sensations that are lost while living in the city. Meeting people at a festival is of course one of the great pleasures of traveling there. Grab your stuff; head out in search of stimulation!

The magazine is full of interviews with artists, musical or otherwise. Perhaps it will provide a moment to recalibrate and consider contemporary issues while sharing in their thoughts. Although the magazine is entirely in Japanese, it is visually rich and may interest readers without Japanese skills nonetheless.

LJ is published four times a year and is distributed at kindred shops all over Japan. For more details, check our their website. There is also a subscription service.

良いライブの後は心地良い高揚が続くものだ。ライフスタイル・フリーペーパー「Lj」にも、そんな風に気分が浮き立つような読後感がある。 “Life for Journey” の頭文字をとって名付けられたこの雑誌からは、旅と音楽に彩られた、個性的で豊かな生き方が伝わってくる。





V.S. Naipaul

V.S. Naipaul, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2001, frequently writes about rootlessness–sometimes, through autobiographical works, his own. Born in Trinidad and Tobago to Indian parents, Naipaul moved to England as a young adult, where he continued to live and write for most of his career. In an early work, A House for Mr. Biswas, he writes about a man trying to set down his roots by building a family home. His efforts are met with multiple setbacks and tragedies. In a more reflective work, The Enigma of Arrival, the narrator records his perceptions and thoughts after newly arriving in the English countryside. After a time, he sees that our surroundings are constantly changing, constantly affecting who we are. In other seminal works, like A Bend in the River and In a Free State, Naipaul writes of the conflict and violence in areas populated by displaced people.

2001年にノーベル文学賞を受賞したV.S.ナイポール氏は、自らの体験に基づく、根無し草的な生き方について頻繁に書いている。トリニダード・ドバゴ共和国でインド人の両親から生まれた彼は、青年期に英国へ移り住み、そこでキャリアの多くを築いた。初期の作品「ビスワス氏の家」では、家族のための家を建てる過程で、その地に根を下ろそうとする男性を書いている。主人公は様々な挫折と悲劇に見舞われる。より内省的な作品「The Enigma of Arrival」では、英国の田園地方に新天地を求めた主人公が、そこで認識し思考したことについて語る。周囲の環境は絶えず変化し続け、自分たちの在り方に絶えず影響を与え続けるものだと、しばらくして主人公は気づく。他にも「暗い河」や「自由の国で」といった独創性に富んだ作品の中で、ナイポール氏は住む場所を失った人々の紛争と暴力について書いている。主な著作は日本語に翻訳されている。

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