Yame 八女
Yame is a small city (pop ~42,000) in southern Fukuoka whose Fukushima district, with its specially designed layout, is a subject of much historical interest. Lining the streets are traditional mud-walled folk houses that have survived since the Edo era. In 2002, Fukushima was designated a district for national heritage preservation. To the east of Fukushima, visitors will discover expanses of green tea farms. This is the production area of the world famous Yame-cha (Yame Tea). Every year, harvesting begins from about the middle of April for sencha (middle-grade green tea), and in May for gyokuro (high-grade green tea). A fresh, distinct aroma, too, begins to lift from all the tea factories in the area. Green tea contains vitamin C, antioxidants and a wide range of other healthy compounds. Those ingredients and the aroma itself relieve stress and enable relaxation. Yame-cha in particular has a rich aroma, sweet flavoring and balanced astringency that make it highly prized among green tea aficionados. Why not take a break from the city’s frantic pace and stroll traditional streets of the past? The hours move more slowly in Yame, where any time is a good time to vist. ■ Access: 4km from the Yame interchange on the Kyushu expressway
![]() 福岡県南部の八女市。この福島地区は町割りによって計画された町の歴史をよく伝え、街路に沿って塗屋作りの町屋を中心に江戸時代から近代にかけての伝統建造物が連なって残っています。2002年には国の「重要伝統的建造物群保存地区」として選定されました。 この福島地区から、東へゆくと広大な茶畑がひろがっています。ここは世に知られた「八女茶」の産地です。毎年4月下旬から煎茶の、5月になると玉露の摘み取りが始まり、地元の製茶工場では新茶の芳しい香りが立ちこめます。ビタミンCや体の酸化を防ぐミネラル分が豊富に含まれている緑茶。香りと成分はストレス解消やリラックス効果があります。特に八女茶は香り豊かで甘味と渋みがほどよく調和していて、高級茶として評価されています。 あわただしい都会の喧噪を離れて、伝統的な町並みを眺め、ゆっくりとした時間の流れを感じることができる八女は、いつ訪れてもほっとする街です。 【アクセス】 【イベント情報】 |
Cultural Information Center
At the ACROS Fukuoka Building’s Cultural Information Center, there is a vast array of pamphlets and other literature on Fukuoka culture and site seeing. You can also make inquiries by phone (between 11am and 5pm, the Fukuoka SGG club, a group of volunteer interpreters, can take your calls in English).
ACROS Fukuoka Bldg 2F
1-1-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku
10am to 6pm (closed 12/29-1/3)Check out ACROS Fukuoka’s new homepage in English, Japanese, Chinese and Korean for classical music, culture events and facility information!