Amsterdam in Japan: Yanagawa 「水郷の街・柳川」
Yanagawa, located in southern Fukuoka Prefecture, is known as a town on water. There are canals throughout the town and anywhere you take a stroll you are bound to come across them. In the Edo era, these canals were used to protect Yanagawa castle while at the same time acting as waterways and sources for town water. Even now, the canals play a pivotal role, providing water for paddy farmers and firefighters. Part of Yanagawa’s main canal—its pride and glory—is used for boat tours. Four kilometers in length, it is lined with weeping willows (the “yana” in the town’s name), blooming irises and storehouses made with red brick or traditional Japanese white plaster in lattice design (namako-kabe). It is scenery with a poetic richness. The irises, which begin to bloom around May, are particularly attractive. Along the main canal route is an extensive garden with thousands and thousands of the lavish, multi-colored blooms for boat riders to enjoy. |
福岡県南部にある柳川市は「水郷の街」と呼ばれています。街のいたるところに掘割があり、街を歩けば必ず掘割と出くわします。この掘割は、江戸時代から柳川城の防御とともに、航路であり生活用水でもありました。 現在でも農業用の灌漑用水や防火用水としての役割を果たしています。 柳川の名物の川下りは、この掘割の一部をつかった観光のための川下りです。全長約4キロメートルのコースは、柳の緑が映え、花菖蒲の花が咲き、赤レンガ造りや白い漆喰の「なまこ壁」の倉など詩情豊かな風景をみせてくれます。 とりわけ、初夏の5月から咲き始める花菖蒲は見事なもので、川下りコース沿いにある「椛島菖蒲園」では数万株もの艶やかな色とりどりの花菖蒲を楽しむことが出来ます。 柳川への観光は、西鉄電車が便利です。西鉄電車各駅で柳川駅までの割引きっぷと川下りや郷土料理をセットで楽しめるクーポンを求めることができます。 |
Cultural Information Center
At the ACROS Fukuoka Building’s Cultural Information Center, there is a vast array of pamphlets and other literature on Fukuoka culture and site seeing. You can also make inquiries by phone (between 11am and 5pm, the Fukuoka SGG club, a group of volunteer interpreters, can take your calls in English).
ACROS Fukuoka Bldg 2F
1-1-1 Tenjin, Chuo-ku
10am to 6pm (closed 12/29-1/3)